MB – Mixing Box

Mixing box for belt drive units

Standard Features

  • Cabinet fully insulated – 3/4 inch.
  • Attractive light gray epoxy finish on 24-60MB. Embossed galvanized cabinet on 90-240MB.
  • Crank arms and linkage rod for damper connec- tion are furnished. Connections can be made on either side of mixing boxes. The balance of necessary linkage hardware, damper motor, and controls to be field supplied.
  • Dampers can be positioned for either rear/top or rear/bottom locations.
  • 1″ duct flanges provided on damper openings.
  • Dampers have air seals on the edges for posi- tive closing. 24-90MB have single horizontal damper blades. 120-240MB have double hori- zontal damper blades.
  • When used with water coils units, a “freezestat” must be installed to prevent coil damage caused by low ambient conditions.